Business involvement vital for review of Food and Drink National Occupational Standards

Feb 2, 2022 | Apprenticeships, Scotland, Wales

Involvement from food and drink businesses is required for an upcoming review of National Occupational Standards (NOS) within the food and drink sector.

Business involvement will ensure the benchmark industry standards of performance and effective working keep pace with changing industry needs.

NOS set down industry expectations of performance and achievement in the roles and the specific knowledge and skills staff need to perform effectively. NOS are statements of what someone needs ‘to do’ and ‘to know’ to perform a job role.

NOS are the building blocks for industry qualifications and are used to inform professional development. Awarding Organisations typically develop competence-based qualifications across the 4 nations from NOS, which are then used to support Apprenticeship Standards in England or within Apprenticeship Frameworks in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

NSAFD would like businesses to get involved by completing the online consultations for the following NOS reviews:

If you would like further details or to discuss the consultation, please contact Matt Hardy, Qualifications and Assessment Manager at NSAFD –