Feedback required on Scottish Modern Apprenticeships for Food and Drink Operations

Feb 2, 2022 | Apprenticeships, NSAFD News, Scotland

The National Skills Academy for Food & Drink is urging businesses to respond to a consultation on the content of the current Modern Apprenticeships for Food and Drink Operations in Scotland.

We want to ensure the MAs remain fit for purpose and that the requirements specified within the MAs at both SCQF L5 and L6 continue to meet the needs of the industry.

The consultation includes a series of short questions around whether industry are still supportive of the current SVQs, the mandatory enhancements, Workplace Core Skill requirements, optional outcomes and duration of each of the pathways.

The feedback is required as we look to update the Frameworks to new Modern Apprenticeship Framework templates and to update the LMI sections of these Frameworks.

You can complete the consultation by following the link below:

If you require any further information on this review, please contact Matt Hardy