Tasty Careers
Tasty Careers is designed as a game changer – bringing together industry career information and live industry vacancies all in one place and making them instantly accessible to the smartphone generation.
Through the Tasty Careers industry recruitment programme and website www.tastycareers.org.uk, we’re also first port of call for young people seeking live industry job opportunities and the very best study choices to help them into industry careers.
The Tasty Careers website offers businesses the chance to advertise entry-level positions, graduate schemes, Apprenticeships and internships completely free of charge – with the added bonus of sustained social media promotion.
It’s a comprehensive interactive hub of industry careers information for young people, including advice on study pathways, qualifications, career paths, job choices and concise case studies featuring the progress of Tasty Careers Ambassadors – young peer group high-flyers already making their mark in the industry.
It’s also a key information source for schools and colleges – embracing opportunities for teachers and careers advisors to request a visit from Tasty Careers Ambassadors already working at local industry businesses and obtain complementary industry careers information packs.
As a Member of the NSAFD’s Employer Services Network, you are entitled to send two of your young role model high-flyers on Tasty Careers Ambassador training each year – with many Members using the opportunity as a rewarding personal development platform for young employees working a variety of job roles.
Ambassadors receive free training on a two-day residential course and are backed with all the resources they need.
Tasty Careers Ambassadors represent the career opportunity in every aspect of the food industry – from young production line operatives, engineers, food scientists and marketeers, to sales staff, product developers, quality control assistants and warehouse staff.
They all have one thing in common – they are passionate about their work and role models for the industry.
Ambassador training, which takes place over two days, gives them the skills and confidence to present themselves, your business and the industry in an engaging way to other young people making crucial study and career choices.
As part of the wider Tasty Careers outreach programme, Ambassadors are making a major contribution to raising the profile of food and drink manufacturing as a career destination of choice for young people with the talent and ability to help your business growth.
The experience they gain will be an asset throughout their career and they’re putting the industry on the radar of other young people – a vital task in an industry with a rapidly aging workforce profile nearing retirement.
Tasty Careers is designed as a game changer – bringing together industry career information and live industry vacancies all in one place and making them instantly accessible to the smartphone generation.
Featuring a dynamic interactive careers map, the Tasty Careers site includes straight-talking descriptions of dozens of typical job roles across 14 different disciplines from production operations, technical and logistics to buying, engineering and marketing along with progression routes, salary expectations and suggested qualifications.
In addition, a wide range of case studies showcase young industry workers describing their journey into the industry, why they love their job and why they believe the sector deserves consideration when making key study and career choice.
Visit the tasty careers website
Visit the Tasty Careers website for more information